Our Pride
Over the past four years our organization, Classroom of Compassion, has traveled across the country after mass shootings, tragic acts of violence, and hate crimes to help create and cultivate memorial spaces that allow the community a deeper opportunity for healing. Through altars dedicated to those killed to onsite arts pop-ups that allow the community to leave physical written dedications to those lost, we navigate through our work with the innate belief that “Queer people make the world a more compassionate place.” We show up to these spaces on behalf and with the support of our Queer Community. As a result of the many challenges and oppression Queer people so often face, we believe that Queer people have greater personal insight, empathy and compassion such as for those who are oppressed, unsupported, or alienated among humankind.

This has been a throughline in the work we create both around our city of Los Angeles and around the country. This Pride Season, we hope to remind our Queer community of their innate right to be loved, supported, seen, understood, celebrated and uplifted.


Trans Pride 2018


49 Crowns